
rubén, astarion, fernando, and nicknames :]
i use any english neopronouns, so go crazy! if you need some examples, i like sae/saer/saers & ve/ver/vis!
en español, uso él/lo/-o y ella/la/-a intercambiablemente :]

kirby, bg3, sonic, pikmin, cats and kittens, life sims, d&d, warm blankets, crocheting, boba, coffee, fruity candy
My Favs!
astarion ancunín, rock pikmin, the sims 3 & 4, tieflings, kirby & marx & meta knight, strawberries, ube cheesecake

before you follow!

  • i am an adult, and want only adults following me. my accounts are not inherently sexual, but they are NSFW in other regards. i don't want to be interacting with minors in this context.

  • i reclaim the f-slur. it's likely that i'll use it in tags and reblog posts with the word in it. on my main tumblr blog only, i'll tag it as “f slur.” if you're interested in my personal blog, the url itself contains the f-slur and i won't tag it there.

  • i also reclaim the word queer. i personally don't perceive it as a slur, but i respect those that have had it used against them. i will not be tagging the word as "q-slur."

  • i'm a hater, but not in public tags. block me if my opinions are annoying, it's easy!

  • the mlm toothpaste flag is ugly. there are already several rainbow flags that are much better and historically significantly more important. also, gay men do not “need” their own flag (<- is a gay man) lol.

do not follow if...

  • you follow, or are friends with, Manny on twitter or tumblr. he emotionally and sexually abused my partner.🧵

  • you are "proship", aka consume, enjoy, or are neutral to romanticized incest, pedophilia, abuse, & bestiality. drop dead ♡

  • jk rowling/ harry potter fans. literally i do not care if you pirate her books or games. kys ♡

  • (trans)misogynists, conservatives, trump supporters, xenophobes, islamaphobes, antisemites and zionists. die ♡

more about me!

note: i believe in alterhumanity and otherkinity spiritually, as i believe in reincarnation and the multiverse theory. nearly all of my kintypes were past lives, with rodimus from mtmte being the life i had before this one.
astarion ancunín - baldur's gate 3
rodimus prime - transformers: mtmte
knock out - transformers: prime
and more that are not as important :]